
Hi and welcome to Sew Dreamy Fabric, my brand new online shop!

I have loved sewing since I was a teenager in the late ‘80’s when I wanted to create clothes that fitted me properly. Back then, there was no online shopping and I was restricted by the availability in our local shop. I remember being frustrated by the lack of choice; there was not the wonderful array of fabrics and haberdashery that we have today and often I couldn’t bring to life the garments that I dreamed of making.

With all that is available to home sewists these days, I feel we are only limited by our imagination! I enjoy making most things that involve sewing, and I particularly love dressmaking and like being part of the friendly sewing community on Instagram - (posting my makes at @pippa2633). Our new Sew Dreamy account is @sewdreamyfabric if you’d like to give us a follow; this way you’ll be able to keep up to date with new products and special offers!

I would like Sew Dreamy to be a place where you can find everything you need to complete the project you have in mind. I have a beautiful selection of fabrics and haberdashery which will hopefully inspire you to get started on your next project. I also have so many new ideas, classes and products to add in the days and weeks to come, so do please pop by often and see what’s been added. If there is something in particular you are looking for in order to complete your project and you don’t see it here, please feel free to contact me and I’ll see what I can do!

Happy sewing!

Pippa x